Tag Archives: Book Talks

Shipping Up To Thompson

We’ve been back in our beloved library for a couple weeks now, and it is so good to be home. Surrounded by books, with access to our desks and our files and our workroom, able to catalog books and shush people (there is no shushing Heath), Ms. Barrows and I have been feeling good. Happy. Comfortable.


See, we’d gotten used to the Vagabond Librarian lifestyle: fitting the library on a table, exploring a new space, seeing different people, having the Cafe right there…

And so we decided to go on the road. 67 books and our 12 JSchool Kindles made the trip up with us from Baldwin to Thompson last Thursday (with help from Security. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Earl!) where we would ply our wares to the Junior School during their precious 15 minute break. The plan was to have a ton of books out to choose from, and then download books to the Kindles by request. To highlight some titles, we prepared six book talks to stun and amaze. We’d then be ready to check out so many copies of these wonderful books to an eager and cheering crowd.

The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley

-Robert Burns (Ed: N0 typos, just Scottish)

That didn’t happen. Not because there weren’t eager crowds (the cheering was a little too much to hope for), but because students were SO eager to look at and check out books that we only had time to specifically plug one book. That three students then asked for. Hooray! The rest of the time was spent answering questions and checking out materials.

Thompson South Atrium, Thursday, Oct. 18, 12:15 pm
photo credit: wvs via photopincc

Although it was a little overwhelming, we had a great time, we hope the students did too, and we can’t wait to go back. See you in Thompson before the Thanksgiving Break!

-Signing off, Kit Gette (who can now type in a wifi password at the speed of light)

Welcome to the Library Blog

The Library at Hopkins is proud to present its very first blog! Stop by, frequently, sporadically, or forcibly, to read about the library and its various happenings throughout the academic (or not-so academic) year. Here we will provide updates of new materials and programs, promotions and plugs for different technologies, research tips and tricks, book talks, student commentary, and the various musings of your very own librarians.

So please, come back and visit often as our online presence grows and further benefits the Hopkins community.